Redland City Marina


The # 1 reason to dry-stack your boat is to remove the need for all the additional maintenance associated with a boat that lives in saltwater. 

There will be no barnacle growth on the hull, the anodes will last longer and the hull and gel coat will stay in superior condition.

The benefits of using our Rack & Stack facilities;

  • Free up your driveway or back yard – no need for a trailer
  • Includes unlimited launch and retrievals – 1 hour turnaround
  • Secure storage – potentially reducing your insurance premium
  • No more lining up at the boat ramp or finding a park

Current Availability

Rack and Stack

Our newly built rack and stack facilities allow you to store your vessel out of the water.

Spots available

price list

Boat Length Monthly Quarter Half Year Year
Up to 6m $460.00 $1,190.00 $2,160.00 $4,135.00
Up to 7m $520.00 $1,320.00 $2,450.00 $4,665.00
Up to 8m $610.00 $1,560.00 $2,900.00 $5,150.00
Up to 9m $700.00 $1,820.00 $3,430.00 $6,180.00

Please hold and scroll if on mobile to read the rates.

Rates include all Launch / Retrieval services.

Additional charges apply for use of maintenance hardstand.
Not all vessels suitable for dry storage.

  1. Rates are based on payment in advance.
  2. Rates are subject to change without notice and all prices include GST.
  3. All services are subject to the Redland City Marina Customer Agreement Terms and Conditions.
  4. Boat length is measured from bowsprit to stern plus any protrusions or equipment beyond the stern.
  5. Entry to the Marina and use of the facilities is subject to the Redland City Marina Rules and Code of Behaviour as posted on the website and available at the Marina Office.
  6. A surcharge of 2.5% applies to all payments made with AMEX card.

how to measure your boat


  • Requests to launch vessels must be made to the Marina Office a minimum of 1 hour prior to launch.
  • Requests to retrieve vessels must be made to the Marina Office a minimum of 1 hour prior to retrieval.
  • Vessels over 10m – enquire at the office.
  • If vessels are required to be launched prior to the Drystack opening time the vessel will be launched the night before and will be left moored in the Drystack berthing area at the vessel owner’s risk.
  • If the vessel returns to the harbour after the Drystack closing time then the vessel may be left in the Drystack berthing area at the owner’s risk until retrieved from the water the following day.
  • Battery master switches must be in OFF position while the vessels are out of the water.

Rules and regulations

  1. The customer or their representatives and associates must not enter the Dry Storage facility or the Dry Storage hard stand area at any time.
  2. The customer or their representatives and associates must not attempt to board the vessel while it is sored in the dry berth.
  3. The customer or their representatives and associates must not attempt to recover the vessel from the dry berth.
  4. The customer or their representatives and associates must not attempt to launch to the water or recover the vessel from the water.
  5. The customer or their representatives and associates must not attempt to undertake any of the services offered by Redland City Marina.
  6. The customer or their representatives and associates must not carry out any repairs, sandblasting, painting, hull cleaning, fitting out or refitting of the vessel in the Dry Storage facility or Dry Storage hard stand area or any other part of Redland City Marina without the prior approval of the Manager.
  7. Vessels must be maintained in a clean, sound, seaworthy and watertight condition.
  8. Vessels must not display “For Sale” or any signage or advertising materials.
  9. The customer or their representatives and associates must take all necessary precautions against the outbreak of fire in or upon the vessel while it is stored in any area of the Dry Storage facility or Dry Storage hard stand area.
  10.  Vessels must be kept free of animals, pets, pests, insects, fishing bait and vermin.
  11. Vessels must be kept free of infectious diseases and infections.
  12. Vessels must not be fuelled at any place within Redland City Marina other than at the Marina Fuelling facility provided for that purpose.
  13. The customer or their representatives and associates must not do anything within the Redland City Marina boundaries which is immoral, unlawful, noxious, offensive, hazardous, or likely to cause nuisance or injury to Redland City Marina or its employees or servants or any other person.
  14. The customer or their representatives and associates must not conduct any auction or fire, bankruptcy or liquidation sale on or from the vessel while it is within the boundaries of Redland City Marina.
  15. The customer or their representatives and associates must follow the directions
    of the Manager or their deputy at all times to ensure all of the customers or their representatives and associates do the same.


Book a spot today.

If you would like to book a spot at one of our facilities, please use the booking form below.